In celebration of NAIDOC Week we thought we’d shine the light on some of the wonderful First Peoples businesses and creators in our supply chain!

Within Creations: Kayla Rae Arabena - Art
The artist behind our beautiful artwork and designs is Kayla Rae Arabena - Within Creations. A descendant of the Meriam Mer people in the Torres Strait. Kayla balances her artistic endeavours with her medical work. She is focussed on reclaiming Indigenous knowledge, stories and representation through medical-based art.

Printing With Purpose - Dugong Dance Tea Towels
Our adorable Dugong Dance Tea Towels are printed by Printing With Purpose (PWP). PWP is an Aboriginal woman owned and managed printing manufacturing firm. Formed as a 100% Aboriginal Social enterprise, their staff have over 30 years combined experience offering printing services for a wide range of print, design and communication media. Their business model creates a wide range of employment and training pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. PWP is a certified social enterprise (Social Trader), accredited Supply Nation member and a member of the Kinaway Aboriginal Chamber of Commerce.

Indigi-Print - Affirmation Cards
Indi-Print print our beautiful Affirmation Cards. Indigi-Print is a full-service print management company focussing on quality printed products. They are grounded on social equity goals and Indigenous development initiatives such as employment opportunities and discrete project support which promote the advancement of Indigenous communities and people.
Haus of Dizzy - Mabo Day Earring Collaboration
When our founder Kerry Arabena said she wanted Ilan Style earrings for Mabo Day, collaborating with the Queen of Bling herself, Haus of Dizzy, was a no-brainer! At the helm of Haus of Dizzy, proud Wiradjuri woman Kristy Dickinson creates bold, playful, statement-making jewellery that celebrates and honours Indigenous culture—imbuing a sense of empowerment and joy within everybody who wears it.